Food is more important than Ethics

Food is more important than Ethics

When we talk of living a normal life in a civil society the importance of ethics and food cannot be compared. You cannot survive in a social environment without following a common set of ethical rules. I do agree with that. but here, as per the topic, when it comes to comparing the importance of food and ethics on a basic level, you have to have food as more important necessity. Ethics are important, but then it is confined to the ideal situation when you are leading a normal life in a civil society. You cannot keep on clinging to the ethical rules when all you need to survive is food, even if it comes by unethical ways.

Food is more important than Ethics

Well Food & Ethics are two very different aspects of human life. Who says that by doing ethical things you won’t get food in life. Ethics are the principles of individuals it inherits inside the person. A wise & ethical person will not go on wrong path like killing or stealing for the sake of food. So it all depends on individual’s personality and how he is brought up. If you consider the case of criminals & terrorists they have adequate money to survive for entire life but they still continue on that unethical path as for those ethics don’t exist.

Need of food and ethics are the two sides of same coins. Both are essential for faithful existence of human life. When the person is equipped with all amenities, he should deal with the ethics first, for a beggar who is sick, old the food is the first priority to him. But for the sound man ethics are as important as food. Animals also eat food but the difference between man and animals are the great ethics.

Ethics are the principles of an individual which makes him/her what he is, while food is any substance which sustains and helps such individual stay alive & in good health to maintain his principles. “A hungry man is an angry (unprincipled in some situations) man” they say, but that doesn’t mean that we should live to eat instead of eating to live. Anyways, the importance of both (ethics and food) should not be overemphasized, for “what is life without a tiny bit of self respect or acknowledgment (mad), & what is self respect or principles without life or good health (?).

But actually FOOD always comes first, because if a person is starving. What to say about the ethics, he cannot even use his mind properly. Food, clothing and shelter are the ‘basic’ needs of human life. And the word basic here itself speaks that it should come first. Moreover according to the Charles Darwin’s theory – “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST” substantiates that basic needs comes first.


Some View Of People on Food is more important than Ethics:-


Wen we talk of living a normal life in a civil society the importance of ethics and food cannot be compared. You cannot survive in a social environment without following a common set of ethical rules. I do agree with that. but here, as per the topic, when it comes to comparing the importance of food and ethics on a basic level, you have to have food as more important necessity. Ethics are important, but then it is confined to the ideal situation when you are leading a normal life in a civil society. You cannot keep on clinging to the ethical rules when all you need to survive is food, even if it comes by unethical ways. To sum up, I will say that, it is all about the priority. Unless you are in the situation when you have to choose between the two, you prefer ethics, but when it comes to the question of survival, you will obviously go for food..!!


As ethics says the person who is having anything which is more than enough should distribute that to everyone who all longing for that. If we follow this ethics there won’t be any problem for food.

But before achieve that state of having enough thing, one’s first preference will be to the food. This situation occurs only because of unethical hoardings.

So to me both food and ethics are important and both are inter related things. The preference given is purely depend on the People’s status and character.

If you take a thief an beggar, their first preference is only to FOOD. For beggar, his second preference is ethics, so he is not a thief.

Naveen Kotni:

It depends completely on the situatuion. Lets say If you have 10rs with you with that you can get normal food which fills your stomached and satisfies the appettite. Then you should not opt for a way to get a delicious food in an unethical way. If you dnt have even 10rs then you should beg for it as beggers do because beggin is not unethical.

There will never be a situation where you have to be unethical for getting the food. Our society is framed in such a manner.

Ethics goes first because there will never be a situation where you ve to be unethical in getting the adequate food.

Karuna Chavan:

Need of food and ethics are the two sides fo same coins. Both are essential for faithful existance of humanlife. When the person is equiped with all aminities, he should mustdeal with the etics first, for a beggar who is sick, mad and lost his conscise the food is first priorty. But for the sound man ethics are as important as food. Animals also eat food but the difference between man and animals are the great ethics.
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