Should kids reality shows be banned?

Should kids reality shows be banned?

Should kids reality shows be banned?

Television has become an integral part of our life. Although print and radio has been the medium of communication for a long time, the emergence of visual media has changed the way in which the communication is done to masses. The ability to attract an audience through the visual medium has led to an opening of a large number of channels and keep us engaged via reality shows.

Reality shows are probably the coolest portions of the visual medium. They show that not only people are brought from every kind of background, but the audience is also put on it because they think the show is close to reality. With the opportunities of attractive careers, the opportunity to show talent in front of millions of spectators has got the opportunity to woo a lot of people from all parts of the country.

But, one of these trends has raised serious concerns, is an important part of these children. Although it allows the children to perform alongside a huge platform as well as acquaint them with the industry, and they want to be the part of it in the future, a serious question mark is on their health and education.

Childhood is a time of innocence and focusing on getting a good education, healthy nutrition which make them strong to face the world when growing up. On the other hand, the shifting trends have made many kids vie for the reality television to not only demonstrate talent but additionally earn money and popularity.

The pressure to performing on stage along with long hours of practice sucks their life too early. In fact, imitating acts of some shows have witnessed children as young as five or six, which can harm their mental development. Besides this, children’s minds may not be mature to face criticism by judges on the show and handle rejections. Parents have an important role to play in all situations through children, parents have to look at the fulfillment of some of their incomplete needs. In the process, they don’t realize that their children.

Should kids reality shows be banned?

Should kids reality shows be banned?

Yes :-

  • Reality shows put enormous pressure on participants to perform well every time. Children cannot handle this stress, and this may cause mental health issues.
  • Almost all reality shows involves the process of eliminating participants one by one at each level. Facing defeat infront of everyone is not that easy for children. This may put an emotional toll on children.
  • These days, many songs and dances in movies are not supposed to be seen by children. Singing and dancing for these obscene songs will exploit children’s innocence and creates confusion in their minds. This pressure on their minds can also leads to depression.
  • It is inevitable for adults to face pressure and stress in their lives. Hence atleast childhood should be happy and pressureless for everyone.
  • Reality shows teaches children to be competitive and do not teach about the importance of co-operation. This too much competitive spirit creates the feeling that winning is the ultimate goal.

No :-

  • Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to finess their skills.
  • It gives them a sense of purpose and direction from a very young age.
  • The present education system doesn’t include other career options such as singing, acting, dancing, games etc. Reality shows closes this loophole in the education system.
  • Reality shows act like a launchpad for children into the film industry. Some of the present singers, choreographers are made into the movies through reality shows for children.

Conclusion :-

There are advantages and disadvantages with kid’s reality shows. Whether these shows should be banned or not is a long debate. For now, children that participate in reality shows need to be provided counselling by psychologists to take the pressure off from the them.

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