Mila Kunis reportedly told Ashton Kutcher that he looked "like a different guy" with his "vengeance" moustache.
Mila Kunis reportedly told Ashton Kutcher that he looked "like a different guy" with his "vengeance" moustache.
Ashton Kutcher can count on Mila Kunis, moustache and all.
Ashton Kutcher can count on Mila Kunis, moustache and all.
The 44-year-old What Happens in Vegas actor shared details on how he changed his facial hair for his most
The 44-year-old What Happens in Vegas actor shared details on how he changed his facial hair for his most
recent film Vengeance during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday with special guest
recent film Vengeance during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday with special guest
The movie's Quentin Sellers, a small-town Texas music producer, is played by Kutcher
The movie's Quentin Sellers, a small-town Texas music producer, is played by Kutcher
he sports a pencil-thin moustache. Kutcher remembers thinking of such "evil dudes"
he sports a pencil-thin moustache. Kutcher remembers thinking of such "evil dudes"
thin moustaches like Smokey and the Bandit and Cannonball Run when he first saw
thin moustaches like Smokey and the Bandit and Cannonball Run when he first saw
"This is fascinating. He sorta had this Boss Hog sense about him."
"This is fascinating. He sorta had this Boss Hog sense about him."
"Alright, I suppose this man has got this aura of sophistication," I thought.
"Alright, I suppose this man has got this aura of sophistication," I thought.
Kutcher added of Kunis, 38, "Then my wife had to deal with that and it was all great."
Kutcher added of Kunis, 38, "Then my wife had to deal with that and it was all great."
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