The heartbreaking tale of Stephanie, Jon Bon Jovi's daughter
The heartbreaking tale of Stephanie, Jon Bon Jovi's daughter
The singer is a millionaire, attractive, has amazing hair
The singer is a millionaire, attractive, has amazing hair
has been performing with his band for more more than 40 years.
has been performing with his band for more more than 40 years.
They have also sold more than 130 million copies of their music.
They have also sold more than 130 million copies of their music.
Jon Bon Jovi devotes his time to the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation when
Jon Bon Jovi devotes his time to the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation when
The singer has a lovely family, as if all of that weren't enough. They have four great children
The singer has a lovely family, as if all of that weren't enough. They have four great children
who never cause them any worry, and they have been married to Dorothea Hurley since 1989.
who never cause them any worry, and they have been married to Dorothea Hurley since 1989.
Jon Bon Jovi is a conscientious and loving father, yet he was powerless
Jon Bon Jovi is a conscientious and loving father, yet he was powerless
stop his only child, Stephanie Rose (1993), from falling into the abyss of drug usage.
stop his only child, Stephanie Rose (1993), from falling into the abyss of drug usage.
It almost took her life. happened to Stephanie in 2012
It almost took her life. happened to Stephanie in 2012